ASP.NET Ajax RC 1.0 Avaiable

ASP.NET Team shipped the release candidate 1.0 for ASP.NET Ajax. New features are listed on this whitepaper.  

A few features:

  • Client Side:
    • Component developers can use a consistent model, when creating types on ClientFX, the attaching and detaching event are new easyier
    • New api's to help to simplify browser targeting, to avoid conflicts with other
    • Impromvents in client networking, control types
    • Sys.* moved to Sys.Preview.*
  • Server side
    • New changes to ScriptManager ( add new handling for referencih static scripts and event to enable custom script location resolution )
    • The extender model was simplified to enable support for one-control-to-many-extenders
    • changes to updatepanel for ensuring partial rendering working in all condition
    • tag changed from <atlas> to <asp>
    • Microsoft.Web.* moved to Microsoft.Web.Preview.*

 If you are migrating from Beta or RC, Atlas team has a migration guides, located here ( CTP to RC ) and here ( Beta 2 to RC ). Scott Gu has shared an Intellisense tip for refreshing schema files.

Do refresh schemas, if using Windows XP:

  • delete all files in this directory: c:\Document and Settings\[YourUserName]\Local Settings\AppData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\ReflectedSchemas

If having Windows Vista, do this :

  • delete all files in this directory: c:\Users\[YourUserName]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\ReflectedSchemas

Reopen Visual Studio.NET and HTML source snippets will be refreshed. For precaution, backup this schemas.

Enjoy using ASP.NET Ajax. Stick out tongue

Avtor: bojanv, objavljeno na portalu (Arhiv)

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