Invoking a DatePickerDialog in Xamarin.Android is a bit tricky because it is done through callbacks and at the end one has to dispose it as well. Hence I present asynchronous extension methods PickDateAsync and PickDateAndAssignAsync.
With my code you can use this syntax and don’t worry about DatePickerDialog disposal:
EditText et1 = FindViewById<EditText>(Resource.Id.editText1); await et1.PickDateAndAssignAsync();
There is also an overload that accepts an instance of CancellationToken. Here are the methods:
public static class DatePickerExtension { public static Task<DateTime> PickDateAsync(this EditText dateEdit) { return dateEdit.PickDateAsync(CancellationToken.None); } public static Task<DateTime> PickDateAsync(this EditText dateEdit, CancellationToken ct) { TaskCompletionSource<DateTime> tsc = new TaskCompletionSource<DateTime>(); DatePickerDialog picker = null; DateTime current; if (!DateTime.TryParse(dateEdit.Text, out current)) current = DateTime.Now; picker = new DatePickerDialog(dateEdit.Context, (sender, e) => { if (tsc != null) { if (ct.IsCancellationRequested) { tsc.SetCanceled(); } else { tsc.SetResult(e.Date); } tsc = null; picker.Dispose(); } }, current.Year,current.Month-1,current.Day); picker.Show(); return tsc.Task; } public static Task PickDateAndAssignAsync(this EditText dateEdit) { return dateEdit.PickDateAndAssignAsync(CancellationToken.None); } public static async Task PickDateAndAssignAsync(this EditText dateEdit, CancellationToken ct) { DateTime date = await dateEdit.PickDateAsync(ct); if (!ct.IsCancellationRequested) { dateEdit.Text = date.ToString("d"); } } }Enjoy awesome asynchronous C#/.net support.
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