V petek 9.12. je Microsoft predstavil novo verzijo Silverlighta, tokrat v verziji 5.
Novosti, ki so tokrat na voljo so:
- Strojno dekodiranje medijskega formata H. 264
- Postscript Vektorsko tiskanje
- Izboljšano delo z grafičnim pospeševanjem 3D grafike (podpora XNA API)
- Razširitev, ki omogoča razširitev modela zaupanih aplikacij (Trusted application) v brskalnik
Več si lahko preberete tukaj: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/silverlight/archive/2011/12/09/silverlight-5-available-for-download-today.aspx
Za razvijalce je na voljo tudi celoten nabor izobraževalnih vsebin za preučitev vseh funkcionalnosti (linki do angleških strani):
- Binding - Ancestor Relative Source Binding and Implicit Data Templates.
- Graphics - XNA 3D API and Improved Graphics Stack.
- Media - Low-Latency Sound using XNA and Remote Control and Media Command (Keys) Support.
- Text - Text Tracking and Leading, Linked and Multi-column Text, OpenType Support, Pixel Snapped Text and TextOptions.
- Operating System Integration Part 1 - P/Invoke, Multiple Windows and Unrestricted File System Access in Full Trust.
- Operating System Integration Part 2 - Default Filename for SaveFileDialog, 64-bit browser support and Power Awareness.
- Productivity and Performance - XAML Binding Debugging, Parser Performance Improvements and Multi-core JIT for improved start-up time.
- Controls - Double and Triple click support, PivotViewer and ComboBox Type-Ahead. (comming soon)
- Other items - In-Browser HTML, PostScript and Tasks for TPL (comming soon)
Namestite si Silverlight že danes, ki je na voljo tukaj.