SLODUG srečanje bo že v torek, 17.11.2015


Vabljeni ste na srečanje uporabniške skupine SLODUG, ki bo v torek, 17.11.2015, na
lokaciji: Microsoft, Ameriška ulica 8, v 8. nadstropju Kristalne palače
(Microsoft se je preselil)

Vsebina srečanja:

17:00 - 17:05 Zbiranje
17:15 - 18:15 Micro ORM - prednosti in slabosti (Dejan Dular s.p.)

Razvijalcem z dobrim poznavanjem SQL poizvedb se lahko zdi uporaba Micro ORM orodja kot odlična izbira. Pa je res tako? Na predavanju si bomo ogledali enega izmed najbolj priljubljenih Micro ORM orodij - Dapper. Nato ga bomo primerjali z Microsoftovim EF in analizirali kdaj je bolje uporabiti Dapper, in kdaj EF. Na koncu sledi primer izdelave razširitve Dapper knjižnice, s pomočjo katere dobijo objekti čarobne sposobnosti komuniciranje z SQL strežnikom.

18:10 - 18:25 Odmor
18:25 - 19:30 Azure Machine Learning: From Design to Integration [ANG] (Peter Myers, Bitwise Solutions Pty Ltd, Microsoft Data Platform MVP)

Machine Learning is a subfield of computer science concerned with systems that learn from data. In this session, learn how a Microsoft Azure Machine Learning solution comes to life: From the creation of a workspace, to the preparation of data, to experimentation with machine learning algorithms, and then finally to the integration and integration of predictive insights. This session has been specifically designed to describe machine learning fundamentals, and to help enable and inspire existing developers taking their first steps to leverage cloud-based predictive models delivered with Azure Machine Learning. It is guaranteed to thrill you with potential, and excite you with the relative ease in which it can be accomplished.
Peter Myers is from Melbourne, Australia has worked with Microsoft database and development products since 1997. Today he specializes in all Microsoft Business Intelligence products and provides mentoring, technical training, and training course content authoring for SQL Server, Office and SharePoint. He has a broad business background supported by a Bachelor’s degree in applied economics and accounting, and he extends this with solid experience backed by current MCSE certifications. He has been a SQL Server MVP since 2007

19:30 - ... Debata.

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**** Se vidimo na Ameriški ulici 8! ****

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Avtor: MihaM, objavljeno na portalu (Arhiv)

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