SLODUG srečanje v četrtek, 9.2.


Vabljeni ste na srečanje uporabniške skupine SLODUG, ki bo v četrtek, 9.2.2016, na lokaciji Microsoft, Ameriška ulica 8, v 8. nadstropju Kristalne palače
Vsebina srečanja:

17:00 - 17:15 Zbiranje
17:15 - 18:00 Let's use Microsoft R Server 9 for entering Kaggle competition (Tomaž Kaštrun - BI/Dev, Spar ICS GmbH)

SQL Server VNext (CTP1) was made Community Technology Preview at the end of year 2016 and along came new version of R Server - Microsoft R Server 9 (MRS9).

We will look into the new features and what new machine learning algorithms are now available in package MicrosoftML in combination with package RevoScaleR. With the combination of both packages we will tackle a Kaggle dataset, available in on-going competition.

18:00 - 18:10 Odmor
18:10 - 19:30 Forecasting with MS BI Suite (Dejan Sarka, SolidQ)

Forecasting is one of the most exciting data mining and machine learning task. In MS BI suite, there are many different tools that help you with this task. This session introduces the most popular forecasting algorithms from the ARTXP and ARIMA families, and then drives you through the implementations in MS tools. You will learn how to do forecasting with R, SSAS, Excel, and Power BI.

19:30 - 20:00 Debata, pizze in pivo.

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**** Se vidimo na Ameriški ulici 8! ****

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Avtor: MihaM, objavljeno na portalu (Arhiv)

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