SLODUG virtualno srečanje v četrtek, 19.3.2020


Vabljeni ste na **virtualno** srečanje uporabniške skupine SLODUG, ki bo v četrtek, 19.3.2020, na lokaciji

***** POZOR: srečanje je virtualno zaradi trenutnih razmer. To je novost tudi za SLODUG predavatelje. Prosimo, da ne vklapljate lastne kamere zaradi ohranjanja kvalitete video prenosa. Zahvale Luki Manjloviću za postavljen strežnik.

Vsebina srečanja:

17:00 - 17:15 Zbiranje
17:15 - 18:00 Regular Expressions in SQL Server - 20 Years of Development (Dejan Sarka, MCT and Data Platform MVP)

The first demo you can find for Java support in SQL Server is about using regular expressions (regex) in the Database Engine. I remember that the regex usage was the first example for CLR functions in SQL Server as well. I started to analyze the problem of supporting regular expressions in SQL Server. In this presentation, which is mainly demo based, I am showing and comparing ten different solutions for simple expressions that also the LIKE operator supports: Java, T-SQL LIKE operator with and without a nonclustered index support, XQuery contains() function with and without XML indexes, Full-Text Search CONTAINS operator, scalar function written in C#.NET, R code using the rxDataStep() function from the RevoScaleR package, R with the data.table object, and Python language with the regular pandas str.contains() function. I hope you are curious to see the comparison of the performance and complexity of the code of the different solutions I mentioned.

18:00 - 18:45 Peščica napak, ki se jim lahko izognemu pri razvoju Xamarin Android aplikacij (Miha Markič, Righthand)

Pogledali si bomo nekatere, mogoče manj očitne, napake, katere se lahko mimogrede spregleda pri razvoju Android aplikacij s Xamarin orodjem.

18:45 - ... Debata, po želji.
O predavateljih

Dejan Sarka, MCT and Data Platform MVP, is an independent trainer and consultant that focuses on development of database and business intelligence applications. Besides projects, he spends about half of the time on training and mentoring. He is the founder of the Slovenian SQL Server and .NET Users Group. Dejan Sarka is the main author or co-author of seventeen books about databases and SQL Server. Dejan Sarka has also developed many courses and seminars for Microsoft, SolidQ, and Pluralsight.

Miha Markič, Righthand, svetuje in razvija različne vrste aplikacij, komercialne in odprtokodne, na .NET platformi, pa tudi Flutter mu ni tuj. Zadnje čase sta v ospredju Xamarin Android in .NET Core razvoj. Njegov blog najdete na, Github profil na, Twitter račun na @MihaMarkic, Mastodon pa na

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Avtor: MihaM, objavljeno na portalu (Arhiv)

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