SLODUG virtualno srečanje v sredo, 17.2.2021


Vabljeni ste na **virtualno** srečanje uporabniške skupine SLODUG, ki bo v sredo, 17.2.2021, na lokaciji

***** POZOR: srečanje je še vedno virtualno zaradi trenutnih razmer. Zahvale ekipi SQL Saturday Slovenija za virtualni prostor srečanja.

Vsebina srečanja:

17:00 - 17:15 Zbiranje
17:15 - 18:15 QAToolkit (Miha Jakovac, MJC, Miha Jakovac s.p)

O testiranju programja je veliko govora. Vendar je teorija drugačna od prakse, saj opažam, da ima malo projektov dober sistem testiranja. Pogosto slišim "Ne pišemo testov!", "Nimamo časa!" ali pa "Tega nismo vajeni!". Preko let sem v praksi napisal kar nekaj orodij za testiranje in se odločil, da to področje približam širši skupnosti. Nastala je zbirka knjižnic QAToolKit, ki so na voljo za Microsoft .NET. Izvorna koda je v celoti objavljena na Github-u in vsebuje več knjižnic: - uvoz Swagger datotek, - testiranje HTTP servisev, - testiranje obremenitvenih testov HTTP servisev, - testiranje SQL baz, - izvajanje hitrih testov preko HTTP, TCP in ICMP (ping) protokolov in - pomožne knjižnice za avtentikacijo ter ostale osnovne funkcionalnosti. Na predavanju vam bom predstavil QAToolKit in kako vam lahko olajša pisanje testov ali orodij za zagotavljanje kakovosti programja. Pokazal vam bom nekaj primerov uporabe v DevOps procesih. Lepo vabljeni.

18:15 - 18:20 Premor
18:20 - 19:10 Power BI and Columnstore Building Blocks (Dejan Sarka, MCT and Data Platform MVP)

When you start a journey into the Power BI world, you get quickly confused. There are so many products and services available, it is hard to distinguish between them and select the appropriate building blocks for your needs. This presentation introduces and systematically explains the Power BI elements, thus helping you organizing the Power BI environment in your project or company. The presentation shows where you can get the columnar storage, from Power Pivot in Excel and two versions of Power BI Desktop to Analysis Services, SQL Server, and Azure Synapse Analytics. For extracting, transforming and loading the data you use Power Query, which can again be found in Excel, Power BI Desktop, Analysis Services, and Power Bi Dataflows. You publish the reports in the cloud using the Power BI Service or locally to the Power BI Report Server. You can also build paginated reports with two versions of Report Builder, for local and cloud publishing. Even if you are already experienced with Power BI, this session can help you sorting out the parts.

19:10 - ... Debata, po želji.

O predavateljih

Miha Jakovac je .NET razvijalec, DevOps inženir, ki pomaga razvojnim ekipam in podjetjem pri doseganju višjega nivoja sodelovanja. Zelo rad programira orodja, ki olajšajo rutinska opravila in je navdušenec nad testiranjem programske opreme ter se rad pogovarja o kolesarstvu. Najdete ga na LinkedIn-u :).

Dejan Sarka, MCT and Data Platform MVP, is an independent trainer and consultant who focuses on development of database and business intelligence applications, with more than thirty years of experience in this field. Besides projects, he spends about half of his time on training and mentoring. He is the founder of the Slovenian SQL Server and .NET Users Group. Dejan Sarka is the main author or co-author of eighteen books about databases and SQL Server, and has developed many courses and seminars for Microsoft, Radacad, SolidQ, and Pluralsight.

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Avtor: MihaM, objavljeno na portalu (Arhiv)

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