Solving Blend 2013 interactivity error

I am playing with Blend 2013 Silverlight Sketchflow for creating web application mockups. Recently I’ve stumbled into an curios error when adding interactivity to a button.

Here is the repro:

Create two screens, and a button on a screen. So far so good. Right click on that button and select Navigate To/Screen 2. Blend will add a navigational behavior, like:

    <i:EventTrigger EventName="Click">
TargetScreen="SilverlightPrototype2Screens.Screen_1"/> </i:EventTrigger> </i:Interaction.Triggers>

It will underline pi:NavigateToScreenAction with a red squiggle as well complaining that type NavigateToScreenAction from assembly Microsoft.Expression.Prototyping.Interactivity is built with an older version of the Blend SDK, and it is not supported in Silverlight 5 projects.

A puzzling error. After playing around I discovered that the problem is with the referenced System.Windows.Interactivity assembly. Somehow Blend added a reference to a version instead of

Not sure what triggered the referencing of the wrong version but the solution is quite simple. Just remove it (in both projects) and reference the proper version. And Blend application sparks to life again.

Avtor: Anonymous, objavljeno na portalu (Arhiv)

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