SSMS Tools Pack is out with a NEW feature, a few improved features and various bug fixes.

The new feature is called Global Replacement Texts.
It gives you the ability to add custom replacement texts to your scripts in four different features.

Licensing now gives you the ability to upgrade your existing license from the previous major version.
This upgrade path is around 30% cheaper than buying a completely new license.

SQL Editor Plus has been extended with 2 new functionalities:
- Rename Window Tab by right clicking on your window's tab.
- Data Destruction Protector now protects against accidental DROP TABLE.

SQL History has a bug fixed that it didn't save on every interval when using Save to Database functionality.

Search Database Data now has column type choice like search through all textual or numeric columns, etc.

Other Minor Features have been improved like:
- Easier distribution of pre-configured add-in settings to new users with Default Settings Deploy.
- Full compatibility with built-in accessibility color schemes for visually impaired.
- Increased stability.

Hope you enjoy it.

Avtor: Anonymous, objavljeno na portalu (Arhiv)

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